The struggle for shelter (and livelihoods)

Source : Editorial of Environment and Urbanization, Volume : 9, Number : 1, Page : 3 — 8


THE THEME OF this issue,the struggle for
shelter,was determined by the number of
papers submitted to Environment and Urbani-zation
on the topic. However,this has also
been the underlying theme of many papers
in previous issues,as described later. In virtually
all urban centres,low-income groups
always have to struggle to find housing. The
less they can afford to spend on housing,the
fewer the options and the greater the gap
between what they would like and what they
can find. This gap is greatly widened by the
unwillingness or inability of government authorities
to help increase the supply and reduce
the cost of housing,and l and for
housing,and to ensure the provision of infrastructure
and services. In order to reduce
the cost,almost all low-income groups end
up having to accept housing that is inadequate,
and poorly located.

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