The site is strewn with enormous and round boulders with ochre colours ; this heap of stones which are superimposed and balanced with delicacy.
In this landscape of stones and earth, we can find some expanses of luxuriant vegetation pockets with economic activities (such as cultivation of sugarcane, banana, and others crops) oasis, Bushes, traditional trees ...
In this natural landscape are scattered some Temples (different size and function), tank (water store for drinking, religious ceremonies...), bazaars (space for trade, and commerce). A large palette of styles and periods are present and that is its attraction.
However, at present, we can estimate 80% of the site is in ruins but are subject of excavation, restoration, and preservation.
This beautiful and fabulous site is filled with a great history ; monuments are with big scopes but are worked in fine details.
The historical Hampi site is a living area with tourism nowadays. The main objective is living together tourism respectful of the environment and preservation of an archaeological site.
The notion of Eco tourism is born. At present, this challenge is not really carried out, and the concept of Eco tourism is very abstract.
The development of the site does not allow to answer the challenge (e.g. trajectories are not very easily visible, few signage, a lack of spaces for comfort such as green open area or seats, space for parking...). Several areas are very developed whereas others are under developed and neglected.
That is why a clever intervention is necessary otherwise in a projection of non intervention the site will be damaged, knowledge of the site will be limited, a restricted tourism not really respectful of the environment... (Developed areas will be not adapted).
The mission entrusted consisted of realizing a diagnosis about the site in order to identify the components, organization, functions of the site and then to work on different areas which submit dysfunctions and propose some strategic solutions, and to realise the challenge “an old and living area”.
I realized this work about a precise area called “The Krishna Temple” and its surroundings and then I worked about posters of communication (inventory, analysis, proposals aspects) about this site bound for tourism.
My next mission will be to constitute a list of monuments in the core Hampi area, a list of works for each, cost of work, and individual documentation with audio visual aid, and written documentation.
The main objective is to realize and improve documentation and develop types of support, in order to improve knowledge of the site (its organization, connections, defects, dysfunctions, possibility to intervene...), to highlight the archaeological site and tourism...