Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF)

Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum [PFF] was launched on May 5, 1998 by a large number of fisherfolk community representatives and NGO activists as a result of full day deliberations in a seminar organized in Karachi to discuss the threats to livelihoods of fisherfolk communities. Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum [PFF] is registered organization.

 Tiago Vier (LinkedIn)
 Traduções disponíveis: English

The fisherfolk communities of Pakistan, comprising of about 15 millions populace, are among the poorest and most deprived population of the country. Large scale degradation of fish resources, the only livelihood resources of these communities, due to unsustainable exploitation coupled with defective governmental policies has largely added to their already augmented vulnerabilities .Besides, the fisherfolk communities have also been facing host of socio-economic problems especially lack of basic amenities of education, health and safe drinking water. Moreover, living near the coast and other water bodies the fisherfolk communities have always remained vulnerable to the natural disasters including cyclones, floods, droughts etc.

Since its inception, PFF has been active in the awareness, mobilization and community organization for the protection as well as sustainable management of the fisheries and other community livelihoods through advocacy, participatory research, information dissemination and participatory community development processes.