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Thursday 26 October 2006, by Kalpesh Dolia

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

AMORCES aims to support International Solidarity Association’s projects.

The richness of the social movement and the diversity of the projects require a methodological support which is sometimes lacking amongst the associations. Due to the lack of technology, financial and human resources, many projects do not take off. This is why Amorces offers free solutions to project implementers who come seeking for technological know-how.

AMORCES encourages initiatives which support the expression and the structuring of the social movement, particularly associations working in the fields of international solidarity, culture and development. By mobilizing the financial and human resources, AMORCES facilitates the progress of the project from the design stage to the implementation of project. AMORCES organises the round table of potential donors and meets the prerequisites for the implementation and the evaluation of the projects.

This support is carried out according to following principles:

- The defense of democratic freedoms, particularly civil rights, right to free association formation and the right of free expression;
- Right to equality, for which it is necessary to find conditions for a just application;
- The respect for cultures and their contribution to the definition of new relationships between the individuals, the people and the countries;
- The freedom of the people and their right to participate in the development of an international democracy;
- International solidarity based on partnership

View online : Site Amorces