Bento Rubião Foundation

The CDDH Bento Rubião Foundation (Center for Defense of Human Rights) was formed in 1986 by technicians and leaders of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. It mobilises architects, town planners, socialists, lawyers and economists, participating in the reinforcement of the communities and the land regularization projects.

 Kalpesh Dolia
 Traductions disponibles : Français

The three fundamental objectives of the Bento Rubião Foundation, pursued jointly by the favelas of Rio, are :
 reinforcement of the organization and the expression of the poor communities of the metropolitan area of the city.
 the maintenance of the rights of the children and teenagers, with a strategy of education and sensitization
 projects related to social habitat, the improvement of living conditions of the minorities.

Bento Rubião Foundation’s projects on architecture :
 Land regularization of the favela of Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, for 1300 families within the framework of a governmental program of the Brazilian Ministry of Cities.
 Negotiations for the right of land and housing, from the occupied lands and buildings in the various districts of Rio
 Earth and cement brick production factory, for the self construction of 130 houses in the community of Nova Iguaçù, Rio.