Nayakarkuppam - Village Profile

 Preeti Goel Sanghi

Name of the Village : Nayakarkuppam

Name of the Panchayat : Perumthottam

Name of the Block : Sirkali


THE VILLAGE IS in any case 500 m away from the sea, which saved the population from severe damage. However, this in no way lessens the devastation caused to the psyche of the village that respected the kadal as the mother.


IT IS DIFFICULT for them to digest that the ’mother’ sea ate 21 of her own children. Twenty-one deaths occurred in this village and most of the dead were women and children. The reason for the high rate of death amongst women and children is that the women were on the shore to give food to their husbands and
the children too were with them when the killer waves lashed the shore.

The figures are as follows: Loss of Lives

Male adult :3

Female adult :9

Children male :4

Children female :5

Total :21


THE TSUNAMI WASHED away three dwellings with thatched roofs and only partially damaged the remaining. People who lost their thatched houses were rescued and provided shelter by their relatives in the village. The rest of the families presently live in their partially damaged houses. The defined partially damaged house as those where more than 5 feet of the wall plaster had peeled away due to the absorption of salt water by the walls.

Houses - Damaged by Tsunami

Thatched House : 6 damaged

Tiled House : 60 damaged

Govt. houses :180 damaged

Concrete House :14 damaged

All types House :260 damaged


THE VILLAGERS CLAIM that all their boats were totally damaged. Some of the Kattumarams were lost in the tsunami and some could find their Kattumarams pieces lying all over the village after the tsunami.

Much damage has been caused to the nets as well. The villagers were not able to estimate how many nets were lost or damaged. The people had burnt all the damaged nets during the cleaning up operations after the tsunami.

For more details about village download report on Nayakarkuppam-profile

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