Overview of Training Programmes

The appropriate disaster resistant construction practices are becoming an imperative need in these type of Rehabilitation project. The focus of this training programme is to familiarize the masons on the alternative technologies and cost effective practices.

 Preeti Goel Sanghi


· To training of masons in cost effective disaster-resistant construction technologies.

· To improve the livelihood options of the local masons and construction artisans.

· Employment opportunities for trained masons in housing reconstruction work in Aaruthenganvillai and Rajakamangalam village.

· Capacity building of the construction labours to become masons through training and regular employment opportunities by linking to housing reconstruction projects.

Activities undertaken in Kanyakumari district

· Training of masons and construction labours in cost effective disaster-resistant construction technologies.

· The masons selected for the training were working with the local contractors who have taken up the housing reconstruction projects in Aaruthenganvillai and in Rajakamangalam.

· The construction labourers were selected from the same village with an effort to improve their livelihoods. Out of these 10 construction labourers 3 were women.

The training programme is scheduled to accommodate theory and practical aspects go hand in hand. In the morning there is theory class and after the morning theory session, the Hands-on training starts, where the lessons learnt are implemented on the field during the construction of the Demo-house.
The Demo-house is also to build the confidence of the people on Appropriate Disaster resistant technologies. This Demo house will later be used as a site office.
