Micro Projects

Forty participative micro- projects of development are envisaged over the two years of our intervention.

The projects will deal with various issues of habitat like: access to land, appropriate architecture, access to infrastructures and public services, the environmental and ecological dimension, the economic viability, social networks, loans/credit facility for financing the construction, prevention of major risks and disasters, accessibility of the disabled and people with reduced mobility.

These projects will rest on partnership and cooperation from various stakeholders and non- governmental organizations related to habitat sector with which A&D has worked for several years to create socially responsible professionals and civil society.

Look here for all new updates on the Micro Projects in Kannyakumari- part of the Reconstruction for Development Campaign (RDC)

The MP’s workshops

We can differentiate 3 types of workshop that we use for different purposes in the MPs. We have training workshops, technical workshops, and (…)

People are beeing trained and Nureseries are busy with activity

The Nurseries are set up in all the 3 villages and The Trainings on Nursery Management and Organic Product Preparation are completed.

Update on Participatory Micro Projects in Karaikal

Since it started in February 2007, various activities have been implemented with maximum participation from the communities.

First PRA for the start of the microprojects in Karaikal district

Kottucherrymedu, Kilinjalmedu and Karaikalmedu are the three villages in this region which DA has intervened for building 3 housing colonies.

Micro Projects Plan Revised

The Micro Projects plan has been reviewed for a more effective implementation. A revised proposal has been prepared with a new partner, (…)

First attempt for micro-project implementation.

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in Aruthankanvilai village has been conducted to find out the ongoing problems. This article says about the (…)