Soon after the 2005 earthquake, national policies specified reliable construction technique for self-builders. With the time and some people’s hard work, other options have been studied and acknowledged.
Reinforced Masonry
The first proposed technique was a set of (presumably) easy and (relatively) low-cost recommendations about contemporary masonry. The aim was to avoid use of too much concrete, which would have often exceeded self-builder’s budget.
The principle is as follows: the (...)
Home > Our Work > Resources > Dossiers > Documents Related to the Pakistan Earthquake Response in 2005
Documents Related to the Pakistan Earthquake Response in 2005
The efforts of A&D on the affected zones by the earthquake of magnitude 7.6 which struct Pakistan in October 2005, the epicentre of which was 95km north of the capital city of Islamabad. The earthquake struck the remote regions in this case mostly from the northern part of Pakistan.